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What is Chat GPT and how does it works?



Chat GPT

Chatbots are computer programs that are designed to simulate conversation with human users through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Chatbots are often used in customer service to answer frequently asked questions and to provide assistance to users.

GPT (short for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer”) is a state-of-the-art language processing AI developed by OpenAI. It is designed to generate human-like text and can be fine-tuned for a variety of language tasks, including translation, question answering, and language generation.

When GPT is combined with chatbot technology, the result is a chatbot that is able to generate human-like responses to user inputs. This type of chatbot is known as a chat GPT, or chatbot powered by GPT.

So, how does a chat GPT work?

First, the chat GPT is fed a large dataset of human-generated text. This dataset is used to train the chat GPT on how to generate natural language responses. Once the chat GPT has been trained, it can be used to generate responses to user inputs in real-time.

When a user interacts with a chat GPT, they may type a question or statement into a chat window. The chat GPT will then analyze the user’s input and generate a response based on its understanding of the user’s intended meaning.

Benefits of Chat GPT

One of the key benefits of chat GPTs is their ability to generate highly personalized responses. Because they are powered by GPT, they are able to understand the context and meaning of user inputs and generate responses that are tailored to the individual user.

For example, if a user asks a chat GPT about the weather in their location, the chat GPT will be able to generate a response that includes the current weather conditions in that specific location.

Another benefit of chat GPTs is their ability to handle a wide range of topics. Because they are trained on a large dataset of human-generated text, they are able to understand and generate responses on a wide variety of topics. This makes them a useful tool for customer service, as they are able to assist users with a wide range of issues and questions.

In addition to their use in customer service, chat GPTs are also being used in a variety of other applications, including e-commerce, education, and entertainment.

Overall, chat GPTs are a powerful tool for simulating conversation with humans. By combining the language processing capabilities of GPT with chatbot technology, chat GPTs are able to generate personalized, human-like responses to user inputs, making them a useful tool for a variety of applications.

Online earning

Real Online Earning Site in Pakistan, LinkVertise review



Online earning site in Pakistan

Friends, if you want to earn money from internet but you have no skills, and you only have a mobile phone and no laptop, then here we are going to tell you how to make money without any skills and laptop. You can easily earn online. We’re not going to teach you YouTube, or blogging, or take you to Fiver, but it’s a very simple thing to do and work on a single website that’s getting people to earn money. But also remember that where there is such an easy job, you cannot expect millions, but if you work hard, you can earn 3 or 4 dollars a day.

How Linkvertise Works: Building Links for Earning Money

online earning site in pakistan

So today we are going to do a complete review of this website called linkvertise. So you have to follow 3 steps to earn on it. First, you have to create your account on this website by clicking on this link. So as soon as you click on this link, the official page of linkvertise will open. There you have to register yourself. You have to fill all the requirements like username etc.
After registration you will be logged in to the dashboard. After that, the second step is that you have to select the English language in this dashboard. The purpose of linkvertise or the way it works is to build different links. And you will also get posts for creating links. And you will be rewarded for it. So you have to click on create link in the dashboard but before that it is a matter of thinking what the links are for? So we tell you, the link should always be such that it can be famous like news etc. You have to open the website of any newspaper and copy the link of any article from there and paste it on this website.

Maximizing Earnings on Linkvertise with skippable and non skippable ads

online earning site in Pakistan

When you paste the link, Wu will ask you for its title. So you have to give any good title. After that another title has to be given which will be the original title of the link. After that you have to give your description. That is, the outline of this article has to be written. After that you have to upload the picture of this post so that people click on it after seeing such a picture. After that you will have the option to activate ads, you have to click on skippable or Non Skippable ads. From here you will have real earnings.

What this website does is that when someone clicks on your link, they will have to see an ad for which you will also get money. Now our link is ready, now we tell you where to share it. By the way, you can share it anywhere, but this way you will not earn much. Our advice is to make your own Facebook page, increase your following and earn money from this website. You can post your link on any social media and promote it.

If You want to earn money online by selling your class notes, Click here.

Real Experiences: Does Linkvertise Really Pay?

Whether the money is received or not, no complaints have been received in this matter yet. This website really gives you money.
But to receive money from here, you should have at least 10 dollars of earning. After that, it will ask you for local bank details and after filling the information, you will get the money in your bank account.

online earning site in Pakistan
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Google Scholarships for Pakistani Students



Google Scholarships for Pakistani Students

Social Media platform google has announced 15,000 google scholarships for Pakistani Students. While in addition to this, the digital training opportunities will also be provided under the Scholarships google certificates.

In this regard google has introduced career certificates aimed to providing Pakistanis with flexible learning pathways. So that they acquire the most sought-after digital skills required for employment.

In its mission to ‘Unlock Pakistani’s Digital Potential’, google has reinforced its commitment by awarding 15,000 scholarships this year through its local partners; Institute of Rural Management (IRM) and Ignite.

According to the report by Alpha Beta, if fully exploited, Digital technologies could generate an annual economic growth of 9.7 trillion PKR in Pakistan by 2030.

This effort is an expression of Google’s commitment under which google wants to play an important role in ensuring the development of countries digital ecosystems. This certification program will open up new opportunities and enable developers, students and teachers to grow faster.

For google Scholarships for Pakistani Students Click Here

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Benefits of Online Tutoring In Pakistan



Online tutoring in Pakistan

Teaching physically has a good scope in Pakistan. But today we’re talking about the benefits of online tutoring in Pakistan.

Teaching is considered a good job in Pakistan. Every fresh graduate is looking for a teaching job in his relevant field to gain experience. But as we know that in Pakistan, there is massive competition. Because the population is greater than vacancies.

But in today’s world, you have access to all over the world. Everyone who has an online presence can succeed in his field very easily. This post aims to encourage fresh graduates to enhance their online presence. And to make them realize the massive online opportunities. Since this post is regarding teachers or those who have an interest in teaching. So we will only focus on online tutoring in Pakistan. The next opportunities will be discussed one by one in the future.

Online Tutoring in Pakistan:

Online tutoring in Pakistan is not a tough job. As many international online tutoring websites are encouraging teachers from all over the world to teach on their platforms. Many websites pay a handsome amount for online tutoring on their platform. So those students which are not getting teaching Jobs in Pakistan, should consider these websites.

These websites are profitable because the students on these websites are international. And once you have successfully selected for a tutor job, you can charge them as per your will. And the next thing which makes online tutoring in Pakistan profitable is that all the students pay the amount in US dollars. So if you are earning only 300 USD from there. It means that you are earning 60,000 PKR in Pakistan.

Mostly, people ignore these websites and opportunities. But we recommend that at least they should try their luck. The other great thing about online tutoring in Pakistan is that there is no cost to apply. You can build your profile for free and also apply for a tutor for free.

Yes, off course there is a skills assessment test. But if you have confidence in yourself, you can easily clear this test and got selected as a tutor.

So here are some websites, you should even all the fresh graduates should apply for online tutoring here:

Online tutoring Websites in Pakistan:

1. Chegg Tutors:

Online tutoring in Pakistan

Chegg is the largest online learning platform for students. As well as it has a great potential for tutors as well. The selection criteria for Chegg tutors require two verifications. One, You will provide a student ID card and the other you should have to provide University transcripts.

You should also have to upload a picture of yourself with a government issue card in hand. After verification, Chegg will take a test which a student should have to qualify to become a Chegg tutor. Chegg tutors can earn a handsome salary based on their work. The average earnings on Chegg for tutors is 20$ per hour.

2. Preply

Online tutoring in Pakistan
Preply online tutoring in Pakistan

The next great platform for online tutoring in Pakistan is Preply. Preply has a vast audience and several students from all over the world. You can also teach languages here. It has also selection criteria in which you have to pass the test. And secondly, you have to submit a short video including your portfolio. They will review it and in 3-5 business days they will contact you if you got selected.

3. Studypool:

Online tutoring in Pakistan

As described in earlier posts, the study pool is a great online educational system for both students and teachers. The good thing is that not only teachers can earn from studypool, but the students can also earn money by selling their notes. The guidelines for the study pool are given in the following post Click Here

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