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Threads vs Twitter: Which social media platform is right for you?



Threads vs Twitter

Threads vs Twitter, Which is the best? A new question featuring the Digital Space. The question gained popularity when Meta announced to release the Rival app against Twitter. Which is Known as Threads app. Threads app by instagram is no doubt an engaging addition to the digital and social media. And it has gained much popularity at the very first hours of its release. Some tech experts are considering it a big threat to the twitter. But its too early to pass these kind of statements as there is a lot of room for improvements for both apps.

In this article, we will comprehensively compare the threads app with the twitter and find out that either the features of the threads app worth it or not. So lets begin!

What is Threads app

Threads app by Instagram is a newly released app by Meta company. And the company claims it the best alternative of twitter. Threads app aims to compete with twitter in all aspects. Also it offers a different user experience from twitter to overcome the dissatisfaction of the twitter users. The threads app release by Meta is not Threads vs Twitter but Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon Musk. However, the User experience has been changed in the new threads app but the features of Retweet, Share and likes are kept only by changing the name of retweet to Repost.

Threads Popularity

The new threads app has become the most downloaded app in just the few hours of its release. It reached over 22 million users in just a few hours. The reason behind this magic popularity of Threads is that it has been released by a well known company which has already billions of users. So the new app was pre promoted by Meta. And the second reason is that many Twitter users were dissatisfied with new money making policies of Elon Musk. Which compelled them to turn their face towards Threads app.

How to use and make account on threads app

For using Threads app you Don’t need to make an account on it. You only need to have an instagram account to use the threads app. So the question arises that can I use threads app without Instagram? The answer is NO. As threads app is only available for the users which have active Instagram account. If you want to use threads app and don’t have Instagram Account, You should first sign up For Instagram and then you can easily use threads app. Because when you open threads, there is only one option for login, and that is Login with Instagram.

By logging in to the threads app by using your Instagram account, you does not lose your Insta activity. And you can fetch the instagram account data to your threads app. That is the feature which makes it more engaging.

Threads’ success without ads: Monetization Policy

Initially, Meta has decided not to monetize the platform until it reaches 1 Billion Users. That also boosts the user interface of the app. As there are no ads running, you can enjoy the latest posts from your community. That is also a marketing strategy to boost up the user number of thread app. So we can say that threads is leading to the success without ads or monetization.

Threads integration with Instagram

The most valuable feature of threads app is its integration with Instagram. By this feature the content creators on instagram can migrate their followers to the new threads app. And in this way, they don’t have to wait for growing followers. They instantly get the reward of the hardwork they have done on instagram on threads app. Similarly you can also follow the same accounts on threads which you have recently followed on instagram. And yes Off course, for doing this they also should have an account on threads app. It means that they also should have connected their Instagram with the threads app.

Why Engagement is Higher on Threads: Insights from Users and Experts

Here are some features of the Threads app that can contribute to its potential success:

  1. Integration with Instagram: Threads requires users to have an Instagram account, which helps reduce bot activity and provides a built-in follower base. The integration allows for seamless migration and automatic following of Instagram followers on Threads.
  2. Ad-free experience: Unlike Twitter, Threads launches without ads, creating a more enjoyable and focused user experience.
  3. Sense of belonging: Threads aims to create a community where users feel like everyone is already present, fostering excitement and engagement.
  4. Fear of missing out (FOMO): The app ranks users based on registration time, adding a competitive element and encouraging users to sign up early. Users can also pre-emptively add people, capitalizing on the anticipation of others joining the platform.
  5. Enhanced engagement: Users on Threads report higher engagement compared to other platforms. This could be attributed to the sense of community, the automatic following of existing Instagram followers, and the excitement surrounding the app’s launch.

6 Reasons why Threads can be a Threat to Twitter

Yes, Threads has the potential to be a threat to Twitter. Here’s how:

  1. Unique User Experience: Threads offers a different user experience compared to Twitter, focusing on creating a sense of community, belonging, and excitement. This can attract users who are dissatisfied with Twitter’s current platform and looking for an alternative.
  2. Integration with Instagram: The integration with Instagram gives Threads an advantage by leveraging the existing user base of Instagram. This reduces the barrier to entry for users who are already active on Instagram and encourages them to try out Threads. The seamless migration of Instagram followers to Threads also helps creators by providing an instant follower base.
  3. Higher Engagement: Users have reported higher engagement on Threads compared to other platforms. This could be due to the automatic following of existing Instagram followers, the fear of missing out (FOMO) factor, and the absence of ads, creating a more enjoyable user experience.
  4. Zero Ads and Monetization Delay: Threads launches without ads and Meta has stated that they won’t focus on monetization until the app reaches a billion users. This approach contrasts with Twitter’s increasing ad presence and can be appealing to users who are tired of frequent advertisements.
  5. Potential for Scale: With Meta’s backing and the vast user base of Instagram, Threads has the potential to reach a large number of users. If it manages to attract a substantial user base, it could surpass Twitter’s user count, giving it a competitive edge.
  6. Room for Improvement: While Threads currently lacks some key features that Twitter offers, such as trending topics, Meta has plans to incrementally add features and improve the app. As Threads evolves and addresses its limitations, it could become a more compelling alternative to Twitter.

Threads vs Twitter: A battle of privacy and trust

Now we are going to do the detailed comparison between Threads and Twitter. Here is the comparison features of threads and Twitter.

User Base and Reach

If we discuss about the user base of twitter, it is massive. And similarly the user base of Meta platforms is also a huge number. But the problem arises when it comes to the data protection of their users. As we know that in just few hours, Threads has reached over 22 Million user base, but can they protect their personal Data? Lets have a look on recent Data Breaches of Facebook, Instagram and twitter.

Threads vs Twitter data breaches

As far as Data breaches is concerned, both the companies has faced these kind of failures. And it is common that a company with large user base has been targeted for data breach. But let see which data breach mostly affected the users the most.

Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica Scandal (2018)

This scandal was the biggest data Breach Scandal in 2018. A political consulting firm obtained the data of millions of users of Facebook without their consent. This scandal downgraded the trust score of Facebook and Facebook lose the trust of its loyal users.

Instagram’s Data Leak (2017)

Before Facebook Data Leaks scandal, Instagram has also faced the same thing. But at that time, Instagram was not acquired by Meta. In 2017, Instagram’s API malfunctioned and allowed hackers to access personal information of users. The data leak exposed the email addresses and mobile numbers of millions of instagram users.

Twitter’s Data Breach (2020)

Twitter’s Data breach was also a security breach, that targeted high profile accounts and companies. The purpose of the breach was cryptocurrency scam. Hackers gained unauthorized access and were asking the followers to send them bitcoins.

The most dangerous Data breach was the Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal. As the number of users affected was very high. And the information was used for political purposes, Due to which Facebook started losing fans.

That’s why, Threads, which is the product of Meta, should be made fully secured. And also should follow major protocols for the data protection.

Features of twitter that makes it dominant over threads app

Here are some potential features of Twitter that contribute to its dominance over Threads:

Established User Base:

Twitter has a well-established and expansive user base, with millions of active users worldwide. Its longevity and large user community make it a go-to platform for real-time updates, discussions, and breaking news.

Trending Topics and News Discovery:

Twitter’s trending topics feature allows users to explore popular conversations and stay updated on the latest news and events. This feature differentiates Twitter as a news-first platform and offers users a comprehensive view of ongoing discussions.

Real-Time Engagement:

Twitter’s fast-paced and real-time nature enables users to engage in immediate conversations, respond to tweets, and participate in live events or discussions. The platform’s instantaneous feedback loop fosters interactive and dynamic engagement.

Robust Search and Discovery: Twitter’s advanced search capabilities allow users to find specific tweets, hashtags, or accounts based on their interests. The platform’s algorithmic suggestions and personalized recommendations help users discover new content and accounts relevant to their preferences.

Verified Accounts and Influencer Culture:

Twitter’s verified accounts feature adds credibility and authenticity to high-profile individuals, brands, and public figures. This verification system, combined with the platform’s influencer culture, attracts users who seek direct access to influential voices and thought leaders.

Extensive Third-Party Integration: Twitter offers a wide range of APIs and integrations that enable developers to create third-party applications, analytics tools, and social media management platforms. This ecosystem promotes innovation and extends the platform’s functionalities beyond its core features.

Threaded Conversations and Retweet Culture:

Twitter’s threaded conversations and retweet functionality allow users to engage in multi-participant discussions, share and amplify content, and contribute to viral trends. The platform’s retweet culture helps content reach a broader audience and promotes virality.

Hashtags and Topic Organization:

Twitter’s effective use of hashtags allows users to categorize and organize conversations around specific topics or events. Hashtags make it easier to discover and participate in discussions on subjects of interest, driving engagement and community building.

Advertising and Monetization Opportunities:

Twitter provides advertising options for brands and businesses to reach their target audiences, offering various ad formats and targeting capabilities. Its monetization strategies, including promoted tweets and accounts, provide revenue opportunities for content creators and influencers.

The Future of Threads App: What to Expect in the Next Release

Here are some potential improvements Instagram should consider in the new release of threads app. That could contribute to the success of the Threads app:

Enhanced Privacy Features:

Given the concerns surrounding data privacy, implementing robust privacy features within the Threads app would be crucial. This could include clear and transparent data handling policies, giving users more control over their data, and implementing stringent security measures to protect user information.

Trending Topics and News Integration:

To differentiate itself from other platforms and attract users seeking real-time news and discussions, Threads could introduce trending topics and news integration features. This would allow users to stay informed about current events and engage in conversations around popular topics, making Threads a go-to platform for news and discussions.

Customization and Personalization:

Providing users with options for customization and personalization of their profiles and feeds can enhance user engagement. This could include features such as customizable themes, layout options, and the ability to prioritize content from specific users or topics of interest.

Content Moderation and Safety Measures:

Implementing robust content moderation and safety measures is essential to maintain a positive and safe user experience. Threads should invest in effective algorithms and human moderation to identify and remove inappropriate or harmful content promptly. This would help create a welcoming environment for users and foster trust in the platform.

Monetization Strategies for Creators:

As Threads grows and attracts more creators, introducing monetization strategies for them would be beneficial. This could include options for creators to earn revenue through partnerships, sponsored content, or ad placements, thereby incentivizing content creation and attracting influential individuals to the platform.

User Feedback and Iterative Updates:

Continuously seeking user feedback and making iterative updates based on user needs and preferences is vital. Incorporating user suggestions, fixing bugs, and addressing concerns promptly can help improve the user experience and demonstrate a commitment to user satisfaction.


WhatsApp’s New Audio Call Bar Feature Simplifies Calling Experience



Whatsapp new audio call bar feature released.

Digital platforms like WhatsApp work hard to improve user experience. Meta, WhatsApp’s parent company, has introduced a new feature to enhance calling. Let’s explore this addition and how it helps users.

New Whatsapp Feature:

WhatsApp’s latest feature is the Audio Call Bar feature. It aims to make calls easier for users. It’s first available to select users and will come to iOS soon.

How It Works:

When users make a call, they’ll see a new call bar. This design lets users do other things while on a call. Users can mute or end calls from the interface. When you start a call, you’ll see a new call bar at the top of the app. It stays there even if you switch to another app, making it easier to do other things while you’re on a call. You can also mute or end the call right from this bar, which saves you time and makes things simpler.

Meta’s Improvement:

Meta is committed to making WhatsApp better. They want to make it a top communication platform. It shows their aim to connect people through easy communication.

Seamless Communication:

WhatsApp’s aim is to make communicating easy. The new call bar is part of this. It keeps up their promise to help users communicate easily.

Other WhatsApp Latest Features:

Along with the call bar, there are other new whatsapp features. Apple users have passkeys for secure logins. WhatsApp’s AI assistant also does more now, like generating info and images. All these updates make using WhatsApp better.

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A New Era in Space Exploration: Pakistan’s First Lunar Mission Takes Flight



Pakistan First Lunar mission

In a historic move that marks Pakistan’s debut in lunar exploration, the country’s first satellite mission named ICube Qamar was successfully launched aboard China’s Chang’e 6 mission from Hainan, China. This monumental event not only underscores the burgeoning space alliance between Pakistan and China but also signifies a pivotal moment in global lunar research efforts.

The Chang’e 6 mission, renowned for its ambitious goal to retrieve samples from the far side of the moon, took to the skies on a Long March-5 rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Site. This mission is poised to carve a new chapter in lunar exploration by focusing on areas of the moon that have remained largely unexplored by previous missions.

Exploring the Moon’s Mysterious Far Side

China’s venture to explore the enigmatic far side of the moon showcases the nation’s advancing capabilities in space technology. The Chang’e 6 mission is designed to spend two days on the lunar surface, with plans to gather around 2 kilograms (4.4 lb) of lunar samples. These samples are anticipated to shed light on the moon’s composition and uncover secrets about its enigmatic past.

What sets this mission apart is its emphasis on collaboration. The integration of Pakistan’s ICube Qamar satellite into the mission exemplifies a global collaborative effort in the quest for lunar exploration. ICube Qamar, representing Pakistan’s inaugural venture into moon exploration, is poised to play an instrumental role in gathering data from the lunar surface, enhancing our collective understanding of the moon.

A Milestone of Collaboration

The mission’s successful launch has been greeted with widespread acclaim and enthusiasm, especially within Pakistan, where the Prime Minister has celebrated this achievement as a landmark moment for the country’s aspirations in space exploration. This event underscores the profound partnership between Pakistan and China in pushing the frontiers of space technology and exploration.

The Chang’e 6 mission, featuring payloads from various countries, serves as a testament to the spirit of international cooperation that fuels our exploration of the cosmos. Through shared resources, knowledge, and visions, nations are unlocking extraordinary possibilities in space exploration, paving the way to unravel the mysteries of our universe collectively.

Looking Ahead

The success of the Chang’e 6 mission, with Pakistan’s ICube Qamar onboard, heralds a new era of international cooperation in space exploration. It demonstrates the immense potential of collaborative missions in advancing human knowledge and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

As we await the return of the Chang’e 6 probe with samples from the moon’s far side, we stand on the brink of new discoveries that could redefine our understanding of the moon and beyond. This mission is not just a triumph for Pakistan and China but a victory for the international community’s collective endeavor to explore the unknown frontiers of space

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Musk’s X Debuts its Own Version of YouTube for Smart TVs



Musk's X Debuts its Own Version of YouTube for Smart TVs


Musk’s brainchild, X, is ready to roll out its own television application compatible with Amazon and Samsung smart TVs. With eyes set on rivalling YouTube, the new app, set for launch next week, promises to intrigue users with longer videos on sizeable screens. Musk envisages luring digital influencers and advertisers to X, by providing a platform mirroring YouTube’s TV app. As it grows its footprint in the streaming video sector, X is also primed to battle with platforms like Twitch, Signal, and Reddit. This attempt underlines X’s ambitious transition from a text-based messaging platform to a video-focused arena.

In-depth Insights:

  • Musk’s venture, X, is about to usher in its own TV app for Amazon and Samsung smart TVs, to pose a challenge to YouTube.
  • The upcoming app, scheduled for release next week, is aimed at captivating users with prolonged videos on expanded screens.
  • By imitating the model of YouTube’s TV app, X is geared to captivate the attention of digital influencers and advertisers.
  • With a goal to vie with platforms such as Twitch, Signal, and Reddit, Musk envisions a new realm for X.
  • Marking its transition to video-based content, X had earlier declared its move to imitate TikTok’s infinite scroll feature.
  • Formerly known as Twitter, X has a history of launching multiple TV apps.
  • As X aims to dominate the video streaming world, it focuses on celebrities, digital influencers, and video game streaming.
  • X has successfully initiated contracts with media personalities Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson for exclusive shows.
  • X has been motivating content creators to shift their video content to its platform, guaranteeing increased ad revenue.
  • Mr. Beast, a renowned YouTuber, contributed to X’s testing phase by uploading a full-length video and revealing his earnings.
  • With a reported decline in user engagement by 30% and loss of significant advertisers, X is grappling to retain its user base and advertising partners.
  • Musk’s ownership of X has witnessed a substantial devaluation in its overall assessment.


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